Sunday, February 22, 2015


Why is Repentance such an integral part of our Catholic faith? Do we Catholics take it too lightly – not understanding the great graces we receive from God when we repent? More importantly, why do we need to truly repent from our hearts?  In this sacred season of Lent, let us truly open our heart to God.

The second video of the 7-part DIVINE LENTEN 2015 WEEKLY VIDEO REFLECTION SERIES at the top of this post is "TURN YOUR FOCUS TO JESUS – REPENTANCE” by  Rev. Fr. Michael Payyapilly V.C., Director -- Divine Retreat Centre, Somersby NSW, Australia. In this anointed homily, Father explains that, “As long as you keep your eyes focussed on your sin, that sin is going to lead you into depression because that sin is not going to help you.  If there is one person who can help you, it is JESUS.  Turn your focus onto Jesus - we call it ‘Repentance’.”

Fr. Michael challenges each of us, "How many times in our lives, just look back and think, how many times have you made mistakes and you have forced yourselves to come out of these mistakes? You have been trying to use your intellectual capabilities to plan your escape from your mistakes. Doesn’t that lead you to greater sin? All the Lord wants you to do Is to turn back to Him – Repent and turn back to God! Turning back to God is very important. You repent and you will see the effects taking place not only in your life but in your families as well the moment you repent and change. We are all looking for other to change. The Lord says, “You change!”

This sharing of God's Word by Fr. Michael reminds us that “the greatest form of Repentance is the beautiful Sacrament of Confession.”

Next Sunday, Rev. Fr. Augustine Vallooran V.C., Director of Divine Retreat Centre Muringoor, Kerala, India, will be sharing the Word of God on "GO AND RECONCILE – THE SACRAMENT OF CONFESSION".

Please do share this Divine Lenten 2015 Weekly Video Reflection series with your loved ones, prayer groups and friends to make this sacred season of Lent a truly meaningful one.

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