Sunday, April 10, 2022


The sacred season of Lent is a season of grace for us to deepen our relationship with God. This year, the Friends of Divine 8-part, DRAW NEAR TO JESUS LENTEN 2022 WEEKLY VIDEO REFLECTION series is a compilation of spiritual talks by Fr. Michael Payyapilly V.C.. over the past 18 months. The 7th video of this series is "HOW FRUITFUL IS MY CHRISTIAN LIFE?" This Divine Australia talk was live-streamed in March 2021. Fr. Michael challenges each of us to look at our lives and see if we are bearing fruits for God. 

“Am I producing fruits? Or am I just happy being a good Christian? Because very often, that is the choice we make. But to be a disciple who produces fruit, it will require total self-sacrifice.”

“How much of fruit have I produced? Because this is where it will all boil down to–‘Unless a grain of wheat falls to the earth and dies.’ And we don’t want to sacrifice ourselves!" 

“Have I ever in my Christian journey desired that I need to bear fruit? It is not an option. The Lord said, ‘It is a command.’ Bear fruit! It is not about you being a good Christian. It is not just about you going for the Sacraments. It is not about you and I coming to church for Sunday mass.”

“It is about asking ourselves, ‘How much have I produced fruits?’ Because unless and until I die to myself, I don’t think I will ever produce fruits.”

On Holy Thursday morning (14 April 2022), Fr. Michael's Healing Adoration on Forgiveness will be the last video of the Friends of Divine Lenten Series 2022.

Please do share this Friends of Divine Lenten 2022 Weekly Video Reflection series with your loved ones, prayer groups, and friends to make this holy season of Lent a transforming experience in our Christian life.

Thank you for your being part of this Lenten journey.

Wishing you and all your loved ones a holy and sacred Holy Week!

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