Tomorrow 23 October 2011 is WORLD MISSION SUNDAY - a day we need to reflect on whether we are actually responding to God's mission for our lives.
How do we live our Catholic faith? Do we just compartmentalize our lives to only have time for Jesus at Sunday Mass? It is not enough to live our faith part-time. God created us for a mission. Do not miss this heart-provoking video by Rev. Fr. Michael Payyapillly V.C. - Staying Rooted in Christ - Streams of Grace (Episode 8 - Eng) available on DVN Online' TV's Video-On-Demand section.
To live our faith, our lives must be built on the firm foundation of Jesus our Lord. Find out how you can lead a true Christian life based on the pillars of our faith!
The Word of God is awaiting to reach your heart and is now just at your fingertips - to be viewed anywhere in the world at your own convenience on the Internet. DVN Online TV has more videos-on-demand to help you be empowered by God!
Thanks Fr. Michael for the Work of God your doing so much impressed, lets keep each other in prayer.