Have you ever experienced a faith crisis? Are you facing one now? It is very difficult when you or someone close to you has doubts about God. There are questions like “Who is God? Where is He? Why is God allowing all these painful situations to happen? Why is Jesus not there for me?”
fourth video of the 6-part DIVINE LENTEN 2017 WEEKLY VIDEO REFLECTION SERIES at
the top of this post is "OVERCOMING
Associate Director - Divine Retreat Centre, Ramsgate, Kent, UK.
this heart-provoking sharing, Fr. Joseph Edattu V.C., challenges each of us to
look into our hearts and mind – “It is good to reflect on one aspect of our
life – faith crisis. Especially in this modern world, people are facing a lot of
faith crisis. Their faith is tested.”
faith has to be tested - otherwise it will not be proved! In the moments of
crisis, if you leave your faith or if you question: ‘Why God? Why did you allow
this?’ That means your faith is being tested and you are proving yourself that
your faith is not strong.”
John the Baptist was in prison, he slowly began to have a faith crisis. He started
to think like this: “I worked hard for Jesus. I prepared the way for Jesus. I
preached about Jesus. I baptized Jesus! Now I am in a crisis - I am in prison.
But where is Jesus? Why is He not coming to me? Why is he not helping me? Why
is He not consoling me?’ The crisis John the Baptist faced in his life is just
like the common faith crisis everyone goes through at least once in their lives. Why is God so active in other people’s lives
but so silent in my life?”
are 2 ways to get out of your faith crisis. Firstly, think of the past in your
life when God intervened - the mighty interventions of God in your life where
God protected you. You have witnessed it and experienced it in your own life.
Secondly, listen to the Word of God. Read the Word of God – Romans 10:17."
you have faith, your faith should be tested. Only then will you be able to
prove your faith.”
will never give you any test beyond your capabilities.”
every crisis in your life, there will be a mighty blessing for you. You have to
prove your faith.”
Sunday, Rev. Fr. Jacob Arimpur V.C., Assistant
Director of Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor, Kerala, India will be sharing
the Word of God on "THERE IS LIFE
do share this Divine Lenten 2017 Weekly Video Reflection series with your loved
ones, prayer groups and friends to make this sacred season of Lent a truly transforming experience in our Christian life.