The Holy Season of Lent began this year on 01 March 2017 - ASH WEDNESDAY.
Why are we on this earth? God has a mission or each of us. The sacred season of Lent is a holy time of grace for every Catholic to look deep into our hearts - what is the state of our heart for Jesus to live in us?
Why are we on this earth? God has a mission or each of us. The sacred season of Lent is a holy time of grace for every Catholic to look deep into our hearts - what is the state of our heart for Jesus to live in us?
As of today, a weekly spiritual video talk will be posted every Sunday on this Friends of Divine blog until Palm Sunday. The 6-part DIVINE LENTEN 2017 WEEKLY VIDEO REFLECTION SERIES - is to help us truly prepare our heart and our life to be in union with the Merciful Love of Jesus. Our lives must be transformed not just during the Holy Season of Lent but in our every day living until we return to outr Heavenly Home. On Holy Thursday, a Eucharistic Adoration service will be posted.
“Lent is a favourable season for deepening our spiritual life through the means of sanctification offered us by the Church: fasting, prayer and almsgiving. At the basis of everything is the Word of God, which during this season we are invited to hear and ponder more deeply.”
“Dear friends, Lent is the favourable season for renewing our encounter with Christ, living in His Word, in the Sacraments and in our Neighbour. The Lord, who overcame the deceptions of the Tempter during the forty days in the desert, shows us the path we must take. May the Holy Spirit lead us on a true journey of conversion, so that we can rediscover the gift of God’s Word, be purified of the sin that blinds us, and serve Christ present in our brothers and sisters in need.”
The first video of the 6-part DIVINE LENTEN 2017 WEEKLY VIDEO REFLECTION SERIES at the top of this post is "WHY DID GOD CREATE US? by Rev. Fr.Mathew Naickomparambil V.C. - Spearhead of Divine-Potta ministry.
Fr. Mathew shares - "What is the purpose of our creation? "We are created by God and for God." (Colossians 1:16) We are created for the Glory of God. How are we going to glorify God? When people around us see our life, witness our life and experience love, mercy and compassion through us, they start thinking of the God we proclaim. They start thinking highly of the Lord who we are living for!"

This inspiring video by Fr. Mathew produced by Divine TV USA practically explains how each of us can live our daily lives witnessing for our Lord Jesus as purpose-driven people of God.
Next Sunday, Rev. Fr. Michael Payyapilly V.C., Director of Vincentian Missionaries, Melbourne, Australia will be sharing the Word of God on “WHO IS GOD TO YOU?” (Acts 16:31)
Please do share this Divine Lenten 2017 Weekly Video Reflection series with your loved ones, prayer groups and friends to make this sacred season of Lent a truly transforming experience in our Christian life.
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